Natural Ways to Get Rid of Oily Face..

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It is the dream of every individual particularly the ladies to have a fresh,smooth and clear skin especially the face where spots can be easily noticed. Oily face has become a common issue and believe it or not its very frustrating to deal with at times. i'm talking from experience because I've
suffered same issue until i discovered what i'm about to share with you today.
  Oily skin is caused by over active glands that produce too much sebum(is a light yellow, oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands that keep the skin and hair moisturized). The accumulation of excess oil on the outer layer often leads to whiteheads,blackheads,blind pimples and other skin irritations.
 Natural oils when secreted in the right amount keep the skin looking healthy and youthful ,reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Oily face can be difficult to manage but below are some natural ways to reduce oil and maintain a healthy,youthful skin,it worked and is still working for me,hope it does same for you...

Avoid Hot Water Bath: 

Hot water removes all the oil in your skin,leading to complete dryness of the skin.To balance the dehydration,the skin automatically secretes large amounts of moisture leading to an oily skin again.Hence it is suggested to use lukewarm water or normal cold water on the face and body generally.


Cut a piece of cucumber and massage your face with it until all the juice spreads across your face.The cleansing property of the juice removes all oil and dirt from the skin pores and thus provides a glowing look to the face.


Apples contain mild,astringent and soothing properties that make them a great home remedy for oily face.They also work as a great exfoliating agent,the malic acid in apples help exfoliate dead cells and absorbs excess oil from the skin's surface. Mix one teaspoon each of grated apple,yogurt and lemon juice to form a paste,apply it all over your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.Then rinse your face with cool water.

Orange Peel: 

 Oranges generally is one of the best natural beauty tools on earth and the peels can do wonders to an oily face.Grind the peel into a fine paste and apply it on to your face,allow the paste to sit in until it is dried,then wash face with plain water.Do this at least once a week to get rid of acne,oily face and other skin problems.


Vitamin C and citric acid are one among the vital elements required for maintaining the fairness and oil freshness of the skin,and lemon and oranges are rich in these elements. Lemon has a high concentration of citric acid so it is a must to dilute the juice coming out with a couple of spoons of water.Keep on the face for 15 mins and rinse off with lukewarm water. 


It may sound strange but this is a trusted method of getting rid of an oily face,exercising daily for at least 30 minutes a day can make your skin oil free in no time. Excessive sweating during exercise helps in throwing out all the dirt,dust particles and unwanted oil from your skin pores thus providing a fresh and oil free look to your face.

Wash your face Twice a day: 

Its a must for everyone to wash their face at least twice a day and not more than five times a day because increase in the frequency in washing the face again leads to excessive secretion of oil by the skin,leading to a sticky and oily look.

Drink more water: 

It is a medically proven fact that individuals who drink at least 10 glasses of water a day do not experience oily face or skin generally.Hydration of the skin helps one wash away all unwanted oil from the body frequently thus maintaining a good health of the skin.

 Other methods are Exfoliating and Steaming,but i personally prefer the simple natural methods above as all are cost effective.
 I hope this article helps you in your journey to an oil free face and a healthy skin generally...

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Very nice tips. Will definitely try them

