An Innovation Truly Needed

As far as Bill was concerned he was going to make a major fashion statement at the red carpet event he was attending that weekend. With his designers they had put together a classic look and they were expecting plaudits to come their way once pictures of the event circulated social media.
To their amazement and horror however, Bill was humiliated because the designer brand he had bought and rocked turned out to be a very convincing counterfeit and the whole world called his bluff. Seal could have saved him that embarrassment.
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Overview of Seal

Seal is a blockchain powered platform for product authentication with a target of securing trust and value for the world’s popular brands by utilizing NFC technology present on most smartphones and devices.
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How it works

Seal operates a simple and easy to understand yet brilliant concept utilizing the absolute automaticity of blockchain technology and the Seal chips which are NFC compatible. The Seal chips are inserted into a product by the manufacturer, the chip is then connected with a blockchain digital counterpart which can be verified immediately by a customer using their NFC enabled device with a simple click on their screen and a scan. Key components of this innovation include:
  1. The NFC sensitive Seal-chip inserted into the product
  2. A smart device or phone which has the Seal app installed and is NFC compatible
  • The Seal token which is the medium of communication for the innovation to work
  1. A seal network that records all transactions and validates same with its nodes.
What this means is that there will be an end to the menace of counterfeit product being manufactured to compete with legit brand products and deceiving hapless consumers into avoidable gaffes. Only the brand can insert the blockchain pairing on their product and that even helps them keep track of all their product releases.
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Why SEAL Will Fare Better Than Other ICOs

Beyond bringing much needed relief to customers of major brands and even the manufacturers themselves, the innovation also provides guaranteed promise of success and sustainability to willing partners with its membership and alliance with strong organizations such as TBWA, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition, etc.
The project is guaranteed to earn the trust of both manufacturers and their clients, it will prevent product counterfeiting and protect quality of products.

SEAL Partnership opportunity

The key ingredient in this venture is the Seal token. The token is already available in an initial coin offering with over 92 million coins sold and counting.
Token cost is 1 ETH = 7000 Seal tokens
Token                          SEAL
PreICO Price               1 SEAL = 0.08 USD
Price                            1 SEAL = 0.08 USD
Platform                       Ethereum
Accepting                     ETH
Minimum investment    1 ETH
Soft cap                       3,000,000 SEAL
Hard cap                      33,000,000 USD
Country                        Netherlands
Whitelist/KYC               KYC
Restricted areas           USA, China


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My Conclusion

A new wave is coming in the global brands in the world which bodes well for both clients and customers of the Seal innovation. The people holding the Seal tokens when this blow up happens will have many reasons to smile once that time comes.

For more information, please click on any of the links below to get much more details.
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Username: Inene
Profile Url:;u=2071864
