In simple terms a Boss lady or an Independent woman or a High class chic is a woman who pays her own bills,she supports herself entirely on her own and is proud to be able to do so,she does not allow a man or society affect her stability or self confidence. i'm sure we get the picture by now!!
A boss chic is comfortable with her gender,she is beauty with brains,she is friendly,polite and amusing to all the varieties of people she meets. She doesn't condemn other women by saying,"i'm not like other women''.
A boss chic is able to articulate and be secure of her own opinion relating to her passion,she may be political,creative or motherly but she knows that her opinions on that area are sound.
Now the question is,As a man, How can you get this Class of women to date you? You see that boss lady in church,at your workplace or at a restaurant,you like what you see but don't know how to approach the matter lol,use this tips;
Be Confident: Be bold,Look her in the eyes when you talk,shes not going to bite you ,be courteous and confident.First impressions go a long way you know!
Compliment her: A compliment can break even the hardest of women.her dress looks nice say it,her hair smells nice,say it with a smile. Do not,i repeat do not go overboard complimenting her shape or figure,you do not want her to see you as a pervert do you??
Be Honest: You have to be decent and truthful,don't go over there talking about how you have a G-wagon parked outside,she could care less.
Be fun: Even if you are not a funny guy,don't be a bore,laugh at her jokes and try to crack some yourself.
Now you've gotten her what next ,What is expected from a guy a guy already dating a Boss Lady:
- Unconditional Love: Most times,an independent lady is often termed as bitchy,arrogant and too strong,well that's a misconception.The truth is ,in order for us to b a strong independent lady,we have to go through a ton of trials,we often put up guard because we've been hurt,no matter what,we will always show confidence although we may feel vulnerable at the moment. A man has to understand that Compassion is what an independent lady really needs in her deepest emotional moment,a boss chic likes her man emotional but still manly enough to make her feel protected.A boss chic loves to love,she never feels unworthy to accept love from her partner as she always returns it with full and equal strength. She loves her partner completely whether or not its a forever romance or a perfect right now romance.
- Strong Independent Man: An independent lady needs someone to match her greatness,to help build her up when she has fallen.A boss chic needs a man who has a goal and is working hard to accomplish it or (even better) already there doing what he loves to do in life.
- Drive: An independent lady loves a man who has the drive to keep up with his mind,body,work and of course her also.Eating healthy and maintaining your body is a plus,reading and educating yourself is a must and still saving time for adventure.
- Spoil Her: There is no need approaching an independent lady if you don't believe in spoiling her,even if you think she has everything,she still needs to be pampered by her man,she wants gifts on her birthday,a vacation to some exotic place.You might not be wealthy enough to give her all but you must be willing to at least.
- Be Gentle: Every woman likes a man who is soft spoken especially to her,hold doors open for her and cuddle her.
- Lastly Freedom: I don't think any woman likes a stalker,don't leave her 100 missed calls,don't deny her time with her girls and do not be too clingy or needy. Geez!!!