Embarrassment stops many women from seeking help for gynecological conditions,but there are symptoms you should never ignore as they may supply problems that can affect fertility:
- Bleeding between Periods; it might be fibroid, endometriosis,vaginal ulceration,thyroid problems,cervical cancer or a sign your contraceptive pill isn't working properly.
3. Suddenly Heavy Periods; it might be fibroid,thyroid problems,endometriosis or chlamydia infection.
4. New Pain With Your Period; it might be pelvic inflammatory disease or ovarian cyst.
5. Any Genital Blisters,Open Sores,Lumps or Bumps; it might be herpes,genital warts,vulva cancer or infected follicles or cyst.
6. Irregular/Missed Period; it might be pregnancy,ectopic pregnancy,menopause,thyroid problems.
7. Unusual Odour; it might be bacterial vaginosis,thrush, or another sexual infection like trichomoniasis.
8. Pelvic/Vaginal Pain; it might be vulvodynia,cystitis or chlamydia
9. Abnormal Discharge;it might be bacterial vaginosis,thrush,chlamydia.
I hope this article will be taken seriously by all who come across it because every one has that special woman in his or her life and would want the best for her health wise.
Till i come your way next time..Bye for Now!!