Time and time again, new innovations have revealed the various lapses that exist in the healthcare industry all around the world. There is a serious deficit in terms of infrastructure, especially when it comes to the implementation of smart and decentralized pricing  models, this has caused a backlash in the adoption of 21st century technology, in solving payment problems.
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DIGIPHARM is a brilliant solution with an undeterred mission to help boost the complete restructuring and completely overhaul the healthcare delivery system, through a competent value-based approach.
We cannot deny the facts that the current norms in the healthcare industry have led to a rise in wastage practices, miniature health outcomes, and gross inefficiency which often leave the patient in undesired conditions.


Digipharm will leverage on the intelligent and secure blockchain technology to surmount various barriers and help patients get more value through innovative pricing. It will further go all the way to help drop down the costs of operations of all the affected stake holders, and bypass the many existing infrastructural limitations.
Digipharm will help to improve the value, grant better incentives on brilliant innovations, and speed up the transformation activities towards a uniquely personalized healthcare.

 What Are Digipharm’s Goals?

Digipharm is majorly aimed at eradicating the many limitations that exist in the healthcare industry by
  • Removing existing infrastructural barriers
  • Automatting the implementation of value based pricing innovations
  • Developing the world’s first ever real-time RWE platform
  • Granting access and authorizing the use of Real World Data

How Secure Will The Data Be?

Digipharm will be taking advantage of the blockchain technology in order to build a unique digipharm platform that will help promote a decentralized and ubiquitous hub of information.
The use of the platform will be completely subjected to a thorough data protection measure and all information on the platform will comply with stringent information protecting protocols.
As we have observed over time, Real World Evidence is beginning to play a more important role towards decision making in the healthcare industry, there are no longer room for probabilities and involuntary test subjects in order to achieve desired results. For this reason, digipharm is proposing the use of RWE to deliver top quality and value based healthcare to the right patients.

How Will Digipharm Solve Problems?

Through thorough research, digipharm has outlined the major short comings of the health industry and will be applying the blockchain technology towards proffering a globally acceptable, top standard solution.
Digipharm will  be offering the value-based services on their platform which a completely decentralized and fully independent platform. Digipharm will charge a small ‘fee for performance’ which will help to facilitate the successful operations of the platform.

Who Will Benefit From Digipharm?

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Digipharm is not built just for the rich or poor, it is a system that will be beneficial to people of various categories and nationalities. As a matter of fact, the people that will makeup the ecosystem include
  • Patients
  • Payers
  • Manufacturers
  • Providers
  • Digipharm Platforms


In order to guarantee the security of all transactions on the platform, the team have adopted the use of  an ERC 20 based highly secure and stable token known as DPH.
The DPH will be the only recognized means of transacting on the DIGIPHARM platform, and the token is already on sale to intending partners on the DIGIPHARM network.
According to information on their official website, there is a total DPH Supply of: 100,000,000 Fixed (ERC-20)
The Ticker code remains: DPH
Official Decimal Places: 18
And for those asking, the Token Price is evaluated at  1.00 USD per DPH
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How Will The Generated Funds Be Used?

From observations, a whopping 65% of the generated funds will be used to develop the product, professional services will take up around 15.5% and 4% is assigned to marketing. Please refer to the graphical representations below for more details.
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For those who are still skeptical, I’m all in already, and when you see a unique opportunity as this that rewards you for helping in your own little way to revamp the healthcare system, then you don’t have to think twice about it.

For more information, please visit any of the links below:

Website: https://www.digipharm.ch/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DigipharmTeam
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/digipharmteam/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/ExOHxk-TuOplQDbBWXaLaQ
This article was authored by bitcointalk user: Vocalwalls
Bitcointalk Profile Url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1825008
wallet address: 0x4e643A7C0E494dd7463B5F10b7Bc5F7f8BA702CD
